IBM Planning Analytics with Watson

Plan for anything, be ready for everything

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Many small to large organizations rely on error-prone spreadsheets and manual processes for their business planning needs. Businesses need to evolve their planning and analysis strategies to include extended planning and analytics (xP&A). This means creating a single source of truth to streamline planning, manage performance and build alignment across the enterprise.

IBM Planning Analytics with Watson is an AI-infused, continuous integrated planning solution that allows you to transcend the limits of manual planning.

Interested to learn more about best practices and how they are supported by modern planning platforms? Read on how Constellation Research evaluated IBM as a leader.

Download the report from Constellation Research

Ventana Research led an in-depth analysis of the Planning market and defined their Business Value Index for 2022. Learn why they defined IBM Planning Analytics with Watson as the number one vendor in the market place.

Access the Business Value Index now

IBM Planning Analytics with Watson is a fast, flexible and AI-powered Extended Planning and Analysis (xP&A) solution. It helps organizations large and small drive greater process efficiency and deliver the foresight they need to steer business performance effectively.

Download the IBM solution brief

Get access to key insights to better understand the economic impact Planning Analytics with Watson can have on your business over a three-year period, according to this Forrester commissioned study.

Download the Total Economic Impact report from Forrester

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